Maggie and Sam's Adventures

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Under Cover Cats!

Mags and I saw the funniest thing and we just had to share it with you. But we have a lot of human and animal friends that trust us. Please keep in mind that these pictures on this Under Cover Cats Post are not real. They are truly fictional. This picture shows a cat preparing to storm the beaches of Normandy in World War II. Contrary to popular belief there are some cats that truly do love the water. The Turkish Van Cats love the water and swimming is one of their favorite sports. It also seems to be up to the individual cat on whether they will take to the water or not. One thing is for sure not all cats hate water! The picture of the cats jumping from the airplane without parachutes is funny but also brings up another Myth, that cats always land on their feet. Because cats don't have a collarbone and they have more mobility in their backbone, in a short distance fall they can usually position themselves in an upright position. They can still sustain injuries from short falls. Now listen up humans if us cats fall more than 1 or 2 floors we may sustain severe or fatal injuries. Our legs and feet can no longer absorb the shock from the force of hitting the ground. Cats do not always land on their feet! So please be careful when taking us into high rises or multi-story apartment complexes, we do love windows. The picture of the cat sitting in the situation room with the President and his Top Aids brings up an important issue. Us cats love to be in the center of our humans, we like to know what is going on and yes, it is about us. So please always try to make us apart of your life. These photos are just a few from the following site on SLATE (a place of dubious and far-fetched ideas). Check out the CATS OF WAR a fictitious but funny way to look at things.

Remember to Hug your Animals!

Maggie & Sam,

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All About Me

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Jill illustrates greeting cards and works at an Animal Medical Hospital in Arizona. Her love for animals can be seen in every drawing she has ever done. It wasn’t until Jill and her husband Paul adopted Maggie & Sam (2 crazy cats) from the Humane Society that Jill created the Maggie & Sam Collection. All of Maggie and Sam’s personalities as well as their friends have been captured in Jill’s work. In every illustration you will see humor, and love through her characters’ eyes. Jill has been selling her cards in local Arizona Stores. However, being passionate Jill wanted to create a website that would bring people together to talk about their pets, share their stories and to interact with other pet lovers. They will be able to learn new and interesting facts about the various animals pictured on the greeting cards, read their pet’s horoscope, and send personal messages to their friends and families at any time via e-mail.