Maggie and Sam's Adventures

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wierd Animal Deaths

It's True Mags and I watch the news and Animal Planet with our humans. I don't know if you have noticed lately but a lot of animals in large numbers have been dying around the world. News on Animal Deaths

Just recently 2 million fish washed up dead on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. Marylands' State Department said that it was because the water was too cold and the overpopulation of the " juvenile spot fish".

In Sweden 50 Jackdaw birds were found dead in the streets. In Arkansas thousands of blackbirds turned up dead. As in the case of Sweden, Arkansas' s officials said it was because of fireworks! Just a few days later 450 birds in Louisiana dropped dead. The cause from officials was that they hit some power lines.

Mags and I don't think these deaths are a coincidence. These animals are dying in large amounts and it seems to be happening often. We are just asking you humans to keep your eyes open. This isn't just the work of fireworks and power lines. (Although just for now stop firing fireworks into the sky okay), if this is truly killing birds stop it!! Also if the water is too cold why is it too cold?

Anyway eyes open humans look out for us animals

Mags and Sammy

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All About Me

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Jill illustrates greeting cards and works at an Animal Medical Hospital in Arizona. Her love for animals can be seen in every drawing she has ever done. It wasn’t until Jill and her husband Paul adopted Maggie & Sam (2 crazy cats) from the Humane Society that Jill created the Maggie & Sam Collection. All of Maggie and Sam’s personalities as well as their friends have been captured in Jill’s work. In every illustration you will see humor, and love through her characters’ eyes. Jill has been selling her cards in local Arizona Stores. However, being passionate Jill wanted to create a website that would bring people together to talk about their pets, share their stories and to interact with other pet lovers. They will be able to learn new and interesting facts about the various animals pictured on the greeting cards, read their pet’s horoscope, and send personal messages to their friends and families at any time via e-mail.