Maggie and Sam's Adventures

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Wash Me Please

Maggie and I have heard from our dog and cat friends, many scary stories of being dunked in water and scrubbed down. We also know from experience on how you humans like to wash us. So Maggie & I are here to give you tips on this, because we know that you are going to wash us anyway!

Tip ONE: For your safety please trim our nails. Try to be fast about it and don’t cut into our quick (the part containing nerves and blood vessels) this hurts!

Tip TWO: Choose a time when we have less energy, maybe play with us before bathing to tire us out!

Tip THREE: Brush us before hand so less hair ends up in the drain!

Tip FOUR: Make sure that there are rubber mats down for both you and us. We don’t want anyone slipping, you humans are heavy and you can crush us!

Tip FIVE: Above all please make sure the water is lukewarm and comfortable. Please not too hot or cold that is not acceptable.

Tip SIX: Rinse carefully, do not dump the water on our heads, it could get into our eyes and ears. With a cup or hand sprayer make sure all the access suds are off. Take a washcloth gently to our face.

TIP SEVEN: Please wrap us in a big soft towel when done. The blow-dryer terrifies Maggie and I think the gentle rubbing with the towel is a nice touch. Afterwards you can wrap me up like I am in a cocoon that is so cozy.

We agree that the reasons dogs and cats should be bathed once a week or once every 2 weeks are; we can get dirty playing outside, our skin itches and gets irritated, we could have fleas or ticks, this helps keep allergens down for humans and we just feel better when we are clean.

Please Remember to Hug your Animals!
Maggie & Sam

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All About Me

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Jill illustrates greeting cards and works at an Animal Medical Hospital in Arizona. Her love for animals can be seen in every drawing she has ever done. It wasn’t until Jill and her husband Paul adopted Maggie & Sam (2 crazy cats) from the Humane Society that Jill created the Maggie & Sam Collection. All of Maggie and Sam’s personalities as well as their friends have been captured in Jill’s work. In every illustration you will see humor, and love through her characters’ eyes. Jill has been selling her cards in local Arizona Stores. However, being passionate Jill wanted to create a website that would bring people together to talk about their pets, share their stories and to interact with other pet lovers. They will be able to learn new and interesting facts about the various animals pictured on the greeting cards, read their pet’s horoscope, and send personal messages to their friends and families at any time via e-mail.