Maggie and Sam's Adventures

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Who’s Your Boss Baby?

Tomorrow October 17th is “National Boss’s Day”

Maggie and I know who are bosses are and have our dead mice ready as presents. Our humans love dead mice or scorpions as gifts!

“National Boss’s Day” was enacted by Patricia Bays Haroski in 1958. Patricia was a secretary for State Farm and forgot the birthday of her boss!!! A big no, no with humans! She declared October 8th as boss’s day not realizing that her boss’s actual birthday was October 16th. In 1962 the Governor of Illinois Otto Kerner believed that boss’s day was a fantastic idea and backed Patricia’s original registration by officially proclaiming the day.

This nice holiday has been criticized in the U.S. and mocked as a Hallmark Holiday. However Hallmark did not offer a Bosses’ Day card for sale until 1979!

Other countries such as Australia, South Africa, United Kingdom, Ireland and India observe “National Bosses’ Day”. In fact, in India the bosses give their employees gifts on this holiday!

So Maggie and I ask, who’s your boss? You don't have to give them dead mice, but make sure you are extra especially good to them on Bosses’ Day!
Remember to Hug your animals!
Mags & Sammy

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All About Me

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Jill illustrates greeting cards and works at an Animal Medical Hospital in Arizona. Her love for animals can be seen in every drawing she has ever done. It wasn’t until Jill and her husband Paul adopted Maggie & Sam (2 crazy cats) from the Humane Society that Jill created the Maggie & Sam Collection. All of Maggie and Sam’s personalities as well as their friends have been captured in Jill’s work. In every illustration you will see humor, and love through her characters’ eyes. Jill has been selling her cards in local Arizona Stores. However, being passionate Jill wanted to create a website that would bring people together to talk about their pets, share their stories and to interact with other pet lovers. They will be able to learn new and interesting facts about the various animals pictured on the greeting cards, read their pet’s horoscope, and send personal messages to their friends and families at any time via e-mail.